Saturday, March 3, 2012

Can I borrow your eyes?

After a long early morning/middle of the night convo with one of my best friends, my brother, a protector... One who has been there for it all.... A lot is on my mind.

I have started so many blogs in the last few months. So many positive ones. Wanting to write about being engaged. Having a ring around the right finger. About finally being loved the right way. About how my life is about to drastically change...
I now sit here... Lay here uncomfortably in my bed at 3:16am (Hmm interesting. Coincidence?...)

I am dwindling on thoughts of perspective. No matter how much we try. No matter how much I claim to constantly see from "the others" eyes... I am left reminded that as close to home as possible- literally in my home- I am failing to see outside my perspective. I am failing to be this "open minded" individual I claim to be. 

Brandon Heath says it, "Give me Your eyes for just one second. Give me Your eyes so I can see Everything that I've been missin. Give me Your love for humanity...."

Easier somehow when it applies to children in broken homes growing up in "the hood." 

But when it applies closer to home. I fail. In another pending "blog"... One in which I will likely never post, I am talking about "Letting it all go"... So, perhaps I should begin here.

You were there 
To see my eyes first
"Father hunger" 
Became father's thirst

Your instinct
Became your drive
Our hearts linked
The unspoken vow

Became reality
Not allowed to cope

Broken home again
Feeling scared
Crucified again

All those mistakes
Anger lashing
Spinning uncontrollably

Your daughter
How'd we get here?
Fought for her
But she's in the middle

The fight whirled so fast
Now tears us apart

More trying
Seems to blame you more
Heart dying
Truth's fight getting lost

Our story
We know it well
The glory?
It comes here

I see me
Your eyes are clear
You I see
Through all the friction

Hearts intent
I should know it well
It became bent
Through life's walking hell

Hurtful tones
We know each other
Vision hones 
Into what we chose to see

Who knows what's right
Heart empties
It's overwhelming

For granted 
I haven't used your eyes
Remained in mine

Know your love
I promise I feel it
Tried to shove
It's been so delicate

Here am I
Craving to visualize
Ready to comply
To what I know I see

Our eyes are so alike
Bitter for
What we can't control

You I know
More than I ever admit
Letting go
Of what we couldn't grasp

Goodbye past
Hello to what I know
Love so fast
Always ready and here

Never left
You have never let me go
Like a theft
We are trapped in our eyes

I know you
I know all the good
I know you
I know all your love


  1. Wonderful blog!! You're very talented! It's always good to find fellow poet and KY blogger on here :) Keep up the good work!!

  2. Wow thank you very much! Great getting compliments on "things" that seemingly come natural.

    1. Baby i love you!!! After i read ur new blog today i was wow... so i read over sime of ur old ones n they are just incredible... u put so much heart n soul n em.. like u can feel the emotion in em. U inspired me too right my music lyrics on here n maybe a poem or two!!! Love u ttyl!!!
