Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I just found this poem!! From when I finally reestablished my relationship with God after totaling my & receiving my 2nd DUI from <2009>



Sin tented lenses
Reveal the real me
Everything tenses
But now I can see

Elevate my emotions
Escape my own thoughts
As my soul reopens
Loosening all the knots!

Now I run to You
Not worthy of this
You see my heart through,
Not merely exist               

Free from that burden
Those shadows You’ve slain
You’re love is certain
Even through my pain

Exposed and unsure
You build me back up
Mending what I tore
You cannot corrupt

Reshape and remold
Take me I am Yours
Ready to unfold
To You my soul pours

You are everything
All else fades away
Only You remain
Decaying dismay

Guide my every step

Though tough to revive
I’m alive, I’m alive!

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