Thursday, December 22, 2011

Anticipation: Connnecting all the dots

I know, technically, all the dots will never expose their full connection. And quite frankly, there are events. moments. decisions. happenings. I never want to imagine, picture or recognize even in order to visualize their connection. Yeah. I'm good.

However. I can see it now. The connections. The webs. The webs that can only actually be seen when the light shines on them in the just the right way.

Mmmm. A smile creeps upon my face slightly. Slowly. And truly. Ahh! I feel it. The energy of the connections. My Father chuckling lightly, face beaming as He looks upon my face light with even the slightest epiphany. He must be relishing in my joy. After all He is the cause of it. He created it. His light has allotted me to visualize the web, to the best ( & only necessity-level ) of my human ability.

I. Have. A. Purpose. In fact my purpose is plural. And another web will be revealed later. Ya know, the thing is... I don't even care to ask for it- with one eye squinted, hoping like a child- a visual of the web. I don't ask Him for how it's connected. Or WHY I am experiencing this/that/the other.
Maybe it's because it is all falling together. It's easy not to ask questions: "why" & "when" in the presence of such peace and joy and presence of mind. When the highest of earthly love is raining...Reigning upon me with such abundance.

I am so happy. I am thrilled. Excited. Beyond hopeful. Peaceful. Joyful. Confident to a certain meager extent (hey, it's better than before). I KNOW where I am about to be taken... Ah, and man.. Dude. I am ready for this ride.

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