Monday, November 28, 2011

As Doubt Creeps In....

The darkness desperately tries to creep back in. Doubt wants me back. It wants me for the keeping. It wants to find a home in me; It finds the space between- where muscle meets nerve. It seeps in. Slithering through, attempting to terminate: seeking to steal, kill, & destroy.

Those lurking, looming, dooming, haunting, torturing thoughts attempt to return. They comes in waves. Overbearing waves. Deafening waves. So powerful they knock the air from my chest. Conquer motivation. But his face, actions, touch, & love contradict them. But in those moments it's hard to see anything else. Why me? Finally asking this question in an opposite fashion. I don't deserve this. Not begging the question from inward pain, but happiness- joy.

I see his face. & I see His face in him. I feel the love & appreciation- seemingly unconditional & irrevocable.

I can't help but wonder... That dark doubt beckons me in its condescending tone, "Oh Mary, why you honey? Don't you see? Don't you see reality in those quick glances you take in the mirror? Oh blind Mary, this cannot be real for you!! Look at this man! He is the epitome of loveliness & goodness. The combination of everything you have ever wanted! He is the epitome of what sooo many girls want- girls who look better than you- smaller than you- more at peace than you- purer than you- more confident than you- accomplished more than you. The girls that can lure any man in with their eyes... Oh silly Mary, you have done so many things wrong. You are not pretty enough for this! You are not fit enough, small enough, or built correctly. Oh, what? But he says you're perfect? He says you're perfect for him? Haven't you heard it before? Didn't you think they meant it? Didn't those guys cheat on you or take back 'I love you' with ease? Those guys wanted to marry you too!" The laugh is daunting. Mocking. Hot tears. Steaming tears. Burning heart...


I know he is different. I feel it from every depth of my being. I know it as sure as I am aware my own existence. 

But the darkness does not give up that easily. When I look into what I see as perfection, I am made aware of myself- I see my own face reflecting in his dark, beautiful, illuminated eyes. I am made very aware of the contradiction. Giving the darkness an opening, "Mary! You can plainly visualize the contradiction before you! You idiot! Look at this man! Can you imagine what the girls look like he's dated? You've stumbled on a picture or two. She is skinny. You are not. You know things haven't turned out like you've wanted in the past. Why would you think he could want you forever? Why would you think you could stand next to him? Ha!! And really Mary? You think after all you have done wrong in relationships- sex. cheating. lying. the lack of trust. the number of times you've been cheated on. disobedience. all the times you have stayed, sedimentary, and not listened to God. all the times you ignored Him and did what you wanted to do. the ways you have fallen into the world! EVEN recently!! What makes you think after taking one or two steps in the right direction God would grant you THIS magnitude of goodness- this lifetime of joy?"

Because my Father loves me. Truth rings truer than doubt. Yes, I feel these dark thoughts all over me. I feel them stabbing me, all but stealing my very breath. But there is so much I feel that's stronger, so much I feel more intently than all the doubt. I see truth all over him- in touch, look, and actions. I feel the meaning behind his words. I know the meaning in what He has for me...
Now it begins to unfold. Somehow fitting- the breaks in the past explain the restoration, freedom, & peace I am now experiencing.

Prayer is what I will utilize from now on. Prayer & believing defeat doubt. All through obedience. Allowing myself to feel touch and love will slowly silence the dark & shadowy words, fears, thoughts and feelings.

I'm still not sure I deserve him. Still know I am unworthy of this soul piercing joy- this constant, steadfast smile that literally makes my face sore and my body plainly weak- this laughter that is all consuming, like an echo within me, filling every empty space.... The doubt wants to steal it. It is jealous of this unfamiliar joy. I have never been more thankful. I see it clearly now. And doubt cannot take this from me. This is my dream, which is my reality. My love, which is ready to give correctly. My body, which is not everything. My heart, which is not focused on being mended, but on the fullness it is feeling right now. God reminds me again: "Maybe you think you don't deserve him, but what if he deserves you..."


Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Impossible to begin
Describing what has no end
Your eyes tell me forever...

How do I describe this? Words are so inadequate when it comes to you. I am definitely not at a loss for words, but at a loss for adequate words. What human word could I start with in attempt to come close to touching on the subject of you... and the emotions flooding over me? Joy. Hmm, overused. Hope. Same problem. But both ring so true right now. It's like I am feeling those feelings for the first time. As if I finallyyy comprehend the actual meaning.

I have never known what it feels like to have a man, a guy, a boy, a dude (who is not my family) touch me with no ulterior motivation... With no "goal." I have never felt a touch from a male without feeling a motive... External motive. Particularly sexual. For the first time, I felt a touch, touches- incessant touches- with intent. An intent to touch and just that. An intentional, deliberate touch. Goal- to feel my skin. Goal- to say "I'm here." Goal- to express appreciation. Goal- compassion. The way you touch... <sigh> It's the personification of ones' "happy place." I go there without having to go there when I feel the purpose of your finger tips. My skin reacts. My skin feels nourished; soft & strong ... Rejuvenated & real ...

Peace. Serenity. Immediate and instinctive reaction from your touch. From your eyes. From your smile. Infectious. You expel infinite positive energy that  penetrates the very soul of everyone who encounters you. I see it. I feel it. Your eyes... Dark eye lashes, that curl ever so slightly, perfectly lining your expressively deep eyes, expressing and giving insight into your thoughts, your heart. The truth is in your eyes. Everyone can see it. In turn, you look into me with those *eyes* Not through me, not even necessarily "at" me. But into me. As if to say looking "at me" isn't enough. You see me. I feel it. I love it. I see it back. I see you. Your eyes speak love. Warmth. Compassion. Drive. Determination. Those eyes- say what you know and what you crave. I see His love in you. You show it without even knowing it. Intent reflects from your dark, kind eyes. So deep, with so much to say. Your eyes speak for you more than you know. When your distracted, in thought, feeling loved or admiring. They show when you are watching someone intently, observing or about to fall asleep- aka: "day dreaming." :) They are unforgivably honest.

Your presence radiates peace. Your spirit is exuberant and beyond contagious. Everyone is drawn to you, wants closer, wants in. Your mere presence is like medication to those around you. You inspire. I feel it, I see it.

Strength is as a part of your being as your heart or your lungs. Strength in every sense of the word. Strength in your physical being. Your muscles. Ah. Solid. You stand firm- literally and figuratively. That is one of the most attractive things about you. Your physicality parallels your spirit :) 
You expel surety over me. I love it. I have never felt so safe, so secure and protected. Protected from physical harm, while safely shielding my heart with your meticulous care. Your strength resonates and encourages. It motivates you. Which motivates me. The strength is not a stand alone strength, but the gift given kind. The best kind. The strength only He can produce. You stand so firm.
When you hold me up against you... In your arms, against your chest.. Even holding your hand. In these moments I can't be touched. Can't be harmed or broken. I feel every ounce of love you have in you. You don't hold me in vain. You don't stand firm without meaning. You are protective without cause.

I see it in your sweat. You do everything 100%... The movement of your body, your muscles- So fit- determination in your face, reflection in your eyes. Unwavering.

You notice. You notice the details in people. You see what is beyond the surface. Intuition and intentional observation. All this I can relate to :) This I appreciate. You say what I'm thinking before I can form the words. Sometimes I feel as if we are seeing with the same eyes. Internalizing the same visions and interpreting the same thoughts!

... God is the BEST MATCH MAKER!! Is He not??? :)

Respect for me is not just words coming out of your mouth, or opening a door for me, but further- deeper than that! I can feel your respect physically in the ways- the many ways you touch me & in the ways you don't touch me. I see the deliberate respect presented in every movement when your around me and I don't doubt the respect is continued when you aren't around me. I feel it in your soft speech. In your every move. I see it in your intentions for me. For you. For your family. For your future family. 

I see the way you look at kids... Life is brought to your eyes just like mine. 

*YOU MELT MY HEART! My heart was made for you to melt it. Our hearts fit. At any given moment my body reacts to you. Heart racing. Body warm. Eyes wet. Knees weak. Face flushed. I didn't know hope could be felt physically. And love could provide hope... And physical healing along with an emotional and spiritual healing.

I am so deeply, madly in love with you. There is no doubt. Doubt has remained ever-present in my life, but not with you. Doubt has escaped me and I am letting it go, gladly. I have literally never felt anything so sure. I know God put us together. I am beyond thankful. I have thanked Him incessantly. I love you, Jamere.........

*Where have you been hiding?? Where have you been all my life? I do not doubt God's perfect timing. I don't even question it. But I can't help but wonder about the overwhelming amount of heart ache that could have been saved if I had only met you first. If I could have saved my all for you. My heart, my body... And yet, I did. There is an overwhelming appreciation I have for you. The amount of hurt I have experienced is exhausting. For almost 11 years I have endured heart ache from the opposite sex. I have been hurt, used, unappreciated (understatement), cheated, lied to, mocked, played... I even tried to do the same back. A bitterness and hardness persuasively attempted to overtake my heart. It knocked relentlessly at the doors of my heart. I pretended to let others in. Little did they know about the hard coated shell of my heart. The outside of my heart began to harden a little; enough. Just enough to promote protection. Just enough to have the upper hand. Just enough to prevent myself from feeling to the full extent I used to. But not enough to shut out. My heart was waiting for you. You melted it swiftly. I felt the warmth of- the feeling in- my finger tips and toes for the first time in.. a long time. The outer coating of my heart had begun to effect my whole body without me knowing. BUT, the contrast was imminently clear. The contrast of the cold versus warmth I could feel instantaneously. Penetratingly. I felt my body shift; give in without permission. Give in involuntarily. There was no fight in me. There is no fight in me against this. There is no fight against this. It's as if I don't even need mending. All the pain. The balled up fists. The lurking frown. The doubts. The pain. The heartache. The betrayal. The turmoil. The disrespect. The stolen joy. The guilt. The self-loathing. The past. It all not only brought me here, but allotted this feeling; these emotions. If there was nothing to contrast it, to contradict it would I feel it the same? Maybe. But probably not. The appreciation, the gratitude for you... Recognizing that you are a rarity. A uniquely beautiful you :) My GIFT! In receiving a gift, it's not something one had previously, it's something someone needs/wants. I have never had anything remotely close to you. You are a direct contrast to what I have experienced, what I have seen what I have felt. You are the opposing force. God gave me you. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

No guilt in this smile

For the first time in.... I don't know how long, I took a steaming hot shower without crying or feeling "the burden."
For the first time, instead of the intense, burning, boiling heat being an allotment for tears to be shed, it was simply a hot shower, washing away my day. Washing away my sweat- from my run. I could feel the heat in my muscles. It felt good. Invigorating. Rejuvenating. I earned that damn shower.
For the first time in... maybe ever.... I did not even consider turning the lights off. I didn't look in mirror with any sort of satisfaction. I barely glanced in this mirror that constantly lurks and haunts. But I didn't allow too much time.. Ha, I never want too much time with the mirror. However, my 2nd naked encounter with the mirror today only involved one instance of sucking in and one quick giggle. This was a "positive" encounter...
I have officially lost 27 pounds. I am still far from "happy." The dynamics of my body have slightly changed.. Finally.
Now... I am inspired though. I crave to attain those "things." So many "things." I am too busy & too driven- no room to selfishly, vainly, unsuccessfully, narrowly dwell on my body. My body carries me. It is something I have the ability to have much control over... It is me. I am not just this body. I am inspired now though to LIKE it. Ekk, scary. I have craved confidence from the depths of my being... Yet simultaneously the word has made me shutter. Another "thing" I don't deserve. I see now I have always perceived this word as a "curse word."
A "no-no." Something little humble, Mary- the lacker of self-esteem- should NOT attain, nor think of.

God has fueled me with a motivated fever; A yearning and striving for seeing the future (my WANTS) as tangible, attainable, and now are "will be's" & "whens", not "ifs" & "maybes." I WILL get married to the man of my dreams without settling. He will protect me, love me for who I am, and hold me because he wants to feel me and love on me not because I asked. I will marry a man that loves Jesus with all his heart and has an unmistakable light in his eyes. I will NOT run away b/c "I don't deserve this" or because "he is too good to want ME"... Oh no no...
This is what He has revealed to me... "Mary, my child, you think you do not deserve this man, nor this love. What about this man? Perhaps, he deserves you- this woman- and your love." Those words- that TRUTH has resounded in my mind, my head, my heart, my being repetitively. It makes me smile every time. Warm salty water fills the brim of my eyes.
I am a gift to another human? Ah, yes. I am a "giver". I love hard. I give abundantly. I will work for another's smile. I will put you before me. But the thing is... This man will not ask that of me. He won't let me.
Growing together in His will.. Ha it sounds funny. Sounds so corny. The truth sometimes is I suppose.

*Maybe you think you don't deserve this...But what if he does*

Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Vision, pealing the "epidermic shell"

I felt God in every way today. I felt His "yeses" and His "nos".... I felt His love. I felt His joy. I smelled Him in the fall air. My lungs were filled and cleansed. I sensed Him in the intense wind. I felt stronger. The wind wrapped all around me; all encompassing, all consuming. An embrace. Empowered by it.
I don't deserve the freedom I gained today. I don't deserve this person. I honestly don't even deserve my dreams being met. But my life is moving in that direction.... I am conscious of it, yet I'm awaiting the awakening... Awakened to reality, that this is not real and it was all a cruel sick joke. It was the slap in the face I needed, the "almost" grasping feeling something more than I've felt in I don't know how long, but all in vain; in order to be stripped away in a mocking manner; giving me a touch of happiness so the stripping away would be even more painful. *I REBUKE YOU SATAN*

Today.... Wow... What a contradiction occurring. What a necessary cleansing process I am experiencing right now. Since last night it was as if I got new contacts. My eyes are re-altered....
The guilt, fear, and slight pain, however, is the only thing hindering me. There is this lurking darkness, yet right now it cannot overshadow my light....

Light's undeniable
Well. lit. eyes.
Deemed un-tie-able
Can't. stay. down.

Yes, I feel the tugging 
Won't. let. go.
I know it's You nudging
Know. that. touch.

My freedom seems certain
Speak. the. truth.
Open another curtain
Yes. it's. You.

Appealing compromises
No. Truth. found.
Nonredeemable "prizes" 
Re.buke. you.

The wind whipping through me
Breath. filled. lungs.
Swirling into Your arms
Held. so. tight.

Beyond words He speaks
Close. my. eyes.
Butterfly heart makes me weak 
Here. I. come.

**I have taken one of the most difficult steps I've ever stepped. Letting go. Beyond uncomfortable. Change. I hate it. I am adventurous, but I hate change. I am finally willing. I don't understand why I received such fast results??... Is this real? Pinch me. Am I awake? Is this what I've been waiting for? Does this explain the pain I've endured? Am I hoping in vain? Am I listening? Ah, yes... The butterfly heart expanded over my whole body today... It has moved into my soul. I yearn to hear Him. I want what He has planned. I don't wanna cower down in "His presence." I want more. Please I pray don't let me go back! Is this it? Is this the joy? Is there more? I feel the pain pealing off of me like a covering I have been wearing for way too long- years. Perhaps my whole life... This shell had become so skin tight I was suffocating. My being could not breathe. My eyes have been frozen, vision obscured, altered. Aching ears, filled with clouded noise. By having this covering, this skin tight translucent epidermic "shell", captured my ears. I have been lost in my head. Lost in the world, blocking myself from guidance. The wind pealed off part of my epidermic shell. It falls to the ground, crumbling with the leaves. My friends and family gently patted more of it away. Eyes closed. Hands reached palms up toward the sky. I felt You. My skin, finally slightly exposed, could feel. My body reacted. My mind retreated in the best way possible. I only heard the laughter of children- my nieces and nephews, in combination with the meticulous manner the leaves were whipped off the trees and crashed so softly onto my exposed face. I smiled.... An inner smile, an outer smile, an unforced smile, and involuntary smile. It overtook me, creeping up the sides of my face.... Creeping into my heart. I surrendered. My face, fully flexed, with no effort, into a maximum smile of peace. Eyes still closed. Face upward to the sky. Feeling everything. Feeling everything that God has been wanting me to feel. I laughed ever so slightly. Opened my eyes, slowly turned my heads watching my beautiful family of kids play in the leaves with a soccer ball. Beautiful; what a meager word in this instance. No one can ever steal this moment from me. Embraced by my God, my Friend, my Savior, simply by the nature and rawness around me.
Here I Am. Exposed skin, producing new vision.**

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tired Poem

October 2011

My Heart had Been Misplaced

Funny how when we begin a relationship we can be blinded... Seeing what we want to see, ignoring what we are aware of. As humans we deeply desire companionship and for someone to love us. Adoration from another somehow equates meaning of self at times, at least in the moment.

Written with "hope" June/2011:

My Heart had Been Misplaced
Odd to reminisce on pain
When my heart has been recovered
No room to be contained
Simply ready to be uncovered

But my heart had been misplaced
Unready to be retrieved
Yet the fears you have erased
Unadmitably I believe

Hope; I’m tired of suppressing
Never felt it quite like this
Not effects I’m used to confessing
Submission, hope insists

Failed attempts to repress,
More than emotions inside me
Impossible to feel less
Being vulnerable feels so free

The words don’t come easy
But feeling is easy with you
Because you have released me
Through everything you do

Too intense for words to explain
And a smile does not suffice
Those words I can’t find contradict pain
And for that there is no price

Effortless to see into you
Because everything’s so bright
Like something I already knew,
There’s nothing that could be more right

I come to you slightly damaged
Though not your job, you restore
I am difficult to manage
 But your eyes say I’ll hurt no more

When you look at me you see me
Not simply looking through
I was holding out the key
Perhaps I already knew

I grant you access to my heart
I feel like it’s just been found
Take it all, please leave behind no part
And the walls are falling down
So there you are with your new key
And my tears know this is real
Nothing to fake; content to just be
Finally have consent to feel

New lenses over my eyes
A new perception to perceive
Accept truth, contradict lies
Life’s at the right place to believe

No metaphor to apply
To explain the way you love me
No appropriate reply
To express what it is I see

Have I not known you my whole life?
Incessant smile all along
Swear I don’t believe I thought twice
No doubt you are where I belong

I could write to you forever
Infinite pages, infinite theme
Nothing on earth could be better
Keep waiting to awake from my dream
Mary Potts          6/2011